How much sod can my half-ton truck carry?

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How much sod can my half-ton truck carry?

Category : Knowledge , Ordering Info

Unless you have a truck from the 1960’s or older, “half-ton” does not accurately describe hauling capacity. Today’s half-ton pickups are capable of hauling more than 1000 pounds (1/2 ton). We have successfully loaded many half-ton trucks with one pallet (approximately 2000-2300 pounds depending on water weight).  However, we do not recommend carrying MORE than 1 pallet in your half-ton truck.

IMPORTANT: With this being said, we still HIGHLY recommend checking with your specific truck’s manufacturer (Chevrolet, Ford, GMC., etc.) or your owner’s manual for your truck’s exact hauling specifications. 

Stonegate Turfgrass Ranch takes no liability for damage to your vehicle.

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